KalKan - We currently have 1 KalKan vacation homes, condos and villas listed on this page!

VacationRentalDirect.com has found 1 KalKan Vacation Rentals that match your search criteria. Your results can be sorted by price, bedrooms, type of unit and whether the unit is pet friendly or not. All KalKan cottages, homes and vacation rentals are presented by their respective owners or managers.

Please click on the photos or links below to view the property details, then contact the owner directly (via the phone number or property inquiry button on each listing).

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Stunning Kalkan in Turkey

Posted by Pat More on Thursday, March 29, 2007
Kalkan is a enchanting harbour village in the foothills of the Toros mountains & overlooking a beautiful bay.Quaint,traditional,whitewashed houses,shuttered windows & balconies garlanded by flowers cascading to the streets below,make it an ultimate holiday village in the Mediterranean.Narrow winding streets with souvenir shops & small cafes & restaurants lead down to a charming marina.Quietly peaceful by day, Kalkan comes alive at night with plenty of shops,restaurants & small bars to add a change of pace to the day.The harbour is a good place to sit, have a drink,watch the world go by,& dance the night away until dawn rises for another guaranteed day of sunshine.Wherever you go in Kalkan you will find a friendly welcome making Kalkan a great resort for a holiday.The clean,white pebble beach stretches along the front & is perfect for safe bathing. The crystal clean,warm,sparkling water & pure white stony bottom gives truth to the name of the Turquoise Coast.