Miraflores - We currently have 1 Miraflores vacation homes, condos and villas listed on this page!

VacationRentalDirect.com has found 1 Miraflores Vacation Rentals that match your search criteria. Your results can be sorted by price, bedrooms, type of unit and whether the unit is pet friendly or not. All Miraflores cottages, homes and vacation rentals are presented by their respective owners or managers.

Please click on the photos or links below to view the property details, then contact the owner directly (via the phone number or property inquiry button on each listing).

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Miraflores district in Lima-Peru

Posted by Maria J. Reinafarje on Sunday, September 16, 2007
Visiting Peru is a magical adventure because of Cusco and Machu Picchu. However, so many visitors miss the experience of being in Miraflores-Lima. If you want to know the gourmet taste of Peruvian food or international food such as french, italian and peruvian-chinese food, you need at least 3 days in Lima. Where to stay? of course in Miraflores. The best way to enjoy your visit is renting a nice apartment (vacation rental) in a residential building, sucha as mirafloresapt, charmingapt, enchantingap.So, why do not you try it? mjreinafarje@yahoo.com